So it's pretty insane that we're already a whole month into 2016, right?? I'm definitely still adjusting to the new year, especially in writing the date, haha. Time is flying here in Virginia. And I thought our time in Hawaii went by fast -- it's nothing like this!
I've been taking on a lot more work, both the paid kind and the volunteer kind, so I know that's the culprit for Mr. L's first year of "retirement" (and nearly our first year in Virginia) slipping through our fingers so quickly. Nothing like some good old-fashioned hard work to make you forget what day of the week it is, let alone that it isn't even 2015 anymore!
And speaking of 2015, Mr. L and I were lucky enough to be able to spend Christmas 2015 with our families. The drive back and forth from Virginia to Alabama is rough (not going to lie), but I'm SO glad it's doable in a day. I don't think we'll ever make it a two-day trip again, at least not until kids come along! The pups really do travel well. The first 30 minutes to an hour are always bumpy since they don't know if they're just going to the vet or the groomer (ha!), but afterwards they settle into their beds and blankets and hang on for the ride. Plus they always let us know when they need to stop, which is actually a blessing. I'm glad they're adapting though!
Christmas was wonderful though! We got to have a week's worth of family, friends, and unwinding time and we couldn't have asked for anything more -- well, except maybe more time! (The time it takes to build up civilian vacation is killin' us over here, man. If you or your spouse are still in the military, enjoy that 24/7 leave accumulation while you can!) We do miss Alabama when we have to leave, but I think Virginia's really starting to feel like home, and that's a pretty nice feeling to have.
Mr. L and I also made a huge decision in the past few months -- we're officially searching for a home to purchase! I've gone back and forth on feeling euphoric and scared out of my mind when I think about it, and I probably will continue to do so right up until we sign our lives away on those pieces of paper, haha. So if any of you have tips on home-buying, please share! I'd love any bit of advice you could give on the topic.
I think one reason why I shift back and forth is because it's difficult to transition to the mindset that we can actually put down roots now. For so long, we expected to be nomads and shift from exotic and awesome place to not-so-exotic and awesome place every three years and we had to put off those dreams of roots for "one day". Well, "one day" is somehow now here and it's certainly intimidating. Mr. L is all ready to jump in though. It's funny how we interpret our same situation so differently sometimes. Maybe some of you can understand how I'm feeling, especially if you and your family have recently separated from the military. It's just...weird. Good, but weird. However, I will absolutely be SO HAPPY to be done with moving! Nine times in six years is WAY TOO MUCH.
Anyway, so I guess y'all can consider this your yearly update, lol. Hopefully I'll be back to chat more about the home-buying process, and definitely with pictures!! I'm disappointed at the number of pictures I took in 2015, so I need to change that in 2016. I guess there's my resolution!
And now I'll leave y'all with this video of Liam and Lila experiencing snow for the first time in their little lives. Enjoy it, and think about the fact that two days after this was taken, our temperature high nearly topped 70. Virginia weather is bipolar!